MQA Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report and Long-Range Plan | Fiscal Year 2022-23 82 PROFESSION FY 2023-24 AND 2024-25 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES NUMBER OF LICENSEES COST TO REGULATE RENEWAL FEE CAP CURRENT RENEWAL FEE SUFFICIENT CURRENT RENEWAL FEE 28. Physical Therapy $3,316,301 $98 Yes A. Physical Therapist 20,992 $200 $75/$50 B. Physical Therapist Assistant 12,933 $150 $75/$50 29. Physician Assistant $3,177,146 13,574 $234 $500 $275/$150 Yes 30. Podiatry $753,523 $300 Yes A. Podiatric Medicine 1,958 $350 $350 B. Certified Podiatric X-Ray Assistant 555 $75 $75 31. Psychology $1,285,957 $196 Yes A. Psychologist 6,562 $500 $200 B. Limited License 9 $500 $25 32. Respiratory Therapy $1,667,269 14,482 $115 $200/$50 $90/$50 Yes 33. School Psychology $288,806 1,101 $262 $500 $190/$150 Yes 34. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology $1,745,680 $97 Yes A. Pathologist and Audiologist 15,091 $500/$100 $75 B. Pathologist and Audiologist Assistant 2,964 No Cap $50 Total Fund (4) $171,902,376 1,105,194 $156 NOTE: Cost to regulate is computed by adding FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25 projected expenditures and dividing by the total number of non-delinquent active and inactive licensees eligible to renew as of June 30, 2023. Two amounts in the column for fee caps and/or current fees represent two different amounts for active and inactive licensees. If there is a projected positive cash balance at June 30, 2029, then the current renewal fee is deemed to be sufficient.