MISSION: To protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts. VISION: To be the healthiest state in the nation. VALUES: We search for creative solutions and manage resources wisely. We use teamwork to achieve common goals and solve problems. We perform with integrity and respect. We achieve our mission by serving our customers and engaging our partners. We promote quality outcomes through learning and continuous performance improvement. I C A R E NNOVATION OLLABORATION CCOUNTABILITY ESPONSIVENESS XCELLENCE 2023 MIDWIFERY REPORT PAGE | 02
About this REPORT SECTION I: OVERVIEW Statutory Basis and Rule Implementation, Requirements of the Licensee, and Ongoing Development of the Report. The Council of Licensed Midwifery (Council), in its advisory capacity, is required by section 467.004(3)(e), Florida Statutes, to collect and review data regarding licensed midwifery. To implement this requirement, the Florida Department of Health (Department) adopted rule 64B24-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), requiring the Council to prepare a report annually by November 1. Midwives whose licenses are active are required to report annually by July 31. To ensure timely, consistent reporting, the Annual Report of Midwifery Practice Form (DH-MQA 5011) was developed with advisement from the Council and was adopted in 2016 as a part of rule 64B247.014, F.A.C. The Council, acting in an advisory capacity, provides insight as to how the form might be further refined, what types of data to collect, and how to interpret the data in the context of the midwifery practice. This report is designed to observe general trends within the profession and to assess regulatory response in relation to the observed trends. As such, this report is not intended to provide information about specific midwives or specific cases. 2023 MIDWIFERY REPORT PAGE | 03
2023 MIDWIFERY REPORT PAGE | 04 Reported Client Care SERVICES Licensed midwives in the state of Florida were sent a survey, which collected information pertaining to metrics of their profession for fiscal year (FY) 2022-23. Data were collected from 133 licensed midwives (a response rate of 48.0%) and the following sums were derived to gain a better understanding of midwife activity. The compiled dataset is subject to inaccuracy introduced by licensees less familiar with the reporting mechanism, by error, or by ommission. SECTION II: RESULTS The following data capturesclient care services by midwives from FY 2022-23, per rule 64B24-7.014, F.A.C. A total of 6,262 total initial obstetrician (OB) visits by midwives in FY 2022-23 were recorded, which includes both clients accepted for care and those initially seen but not accepted into care. A total of 5,779 maternity clients were accepted into midwives’ care during FY 2022-23. Of the 5,779 maternity clients accepted into midwives’ care, 45.0% of clients were helped by midwives to deliver (or 2,600). In the occurrence of birthing complications, the mother or newborn may be transferred to the hospital to finish the birthing process. In FY 2022-23, 403 maternity clients were transferred during the antepartum phase of labor, compared to 409 who were transferred intrapartum, and 58 postpartum; 39 newborns were also transferred.
2023 MIDWIFERY REPORT PAGE | 05 1,275 Number of water births reported by licensed midwives in FY 2022-23. 168 Number of licensed midwife students assigned to licensed midwives in FY 2022-23. Birthing mothers who have had a cesarean birth are usually able to safely try vaginal birth during a next delivery. This is commonly referred to as vaginal birth after caesarean, or VBAC. During FY 2022-23, licensed midwives reported a total number of 38 unplanned VBACs, 79 primary VBACs, and 87 subsequent VBACs. There were no unplanned deliveries of twins or multiples, and 10 unplanned breeches during delivery. There were four fetal deaths (two stillborn and two neonatal deaths) by midwife delivery reported in FY 2022-23, and no reports of maternal deaths.
CONTACT US Your feedback is important to us. If you have questions or feedback about this report, please let us know. 2023 MIDWIFERY REPORT PAGE | 06 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE MAILING ADDRESS 4052 BALD CYPRESS WAY, BIN C-06 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-3250 WEBSITE WWW.FLHEALTHSOURCE.GOV EMAIL MQA.MIDWIFERY@FLHEALTH.GOV November 2023 This report is published by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance, in partnership with the Florida Council of Licensed Midwifery.