Physician Assistant Workforce Survey Report

2022-24 Physician Assistant Workforce Survey Page 18 of 23 When asked if they plan to relocate to Florida, 14.3% (or 2,060 of 14,427) responded. Nearly 37% of responding PAs indicated they do not plan to relocate in the next five years whereas 63.3% do (or 1,303 of 2,060). FIGURE 19: PAs PLANNING TO RELOCATE TO FLORIDA PAs Not Actively Practicing in Florida When asked about whether or not they are practicing in Florida, 99.4% PAs responded (or 14,342 of 14,427). Over 6% of the total responding PAs mentioned that they were not actively practicing in Florida at the time of their renewal (or 2,180 PAs). When asked to explain, 65% of PAs cited “Other” as their reason for not working in Florida (Figure 25). 757 839 464 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Do not plan to relocate In 1-2 years In 3-4 years Total FIGURE 25: RATIONALES OF PAs NOT ACTIVELY PRACTICING IN FLORIDA 4 7 103 615 1,378 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 Liability insurance rates Liability exposure Retired Planning to move to Florida Other Total