MQA Quarterly Performance Report

professionalism is dependent on their advertising,” states an MQA investigator. While it can be challenging to conduct field investigations and gather evidence discreetly, MQA investigators employ creative solutions to avoid detection and collect information without compromising the investigation. "I’ve been investigating for a long time, and I’ve become innovative in methods to protect my identity, especially since I may be recognized in certain places," shared an MQA investigator. By combining experienced talent with digital tools and effective resources, MQA is ensuring that the public is both aware of and protected from the hazards of unlicensed medical practices. Through sharing MQA investigators’ experiences, presenting the dangers and indicators of unlicensed activity at, and participating in unlicensed activity educational campaigns, MQA remains committed to informing consumers about the risks involved and the importance of verifying professional credentials. The health care landscape is important to monitor continuously, as understanding the trends of how health care services are being delivered is essential in effectively combating unlicensed activity. Common indicators of unlicensed activity may include advertising services without mentioning a license, unusually low pricing, and conducting business in noncommercial settings. As one MQA investigator explains, web search engines and social media are helpful digital tools in identifying unlicensed activity: “Sometimes it is as simple as putting a profession into Google and researching the different businesses or practitioners that populate.” Social media platforms also serve as rich resources, offering clues about how unlicensed individuals are marketing health services activities through advertisements, customer reviews, and photographic evidence of services rendered. Even disordered advertisements for health care services are important to pay attention to: “One of the biggest physical indicators of unlicensed activity can be grammatical and spelling errors through business cards or advertisements. If someone is legitimately practicing, they’re not going to have grammatical errors through advertisement as their INSIDE THE WORLD OF ULA INVESTIGATIONS: AN EXCLUSIVE LOOK Q3 • Quarterly Performance Report • FY 2023-24 15