MQA Quarterly Performance Report

Jennifer L. Wenhold MSW, CPM I’m honored to illuminate MQA’s journey through the third quarter of FY 2023-24 by presenting another incredible progress report. Within these pages lie not just a recounting of performance statistics but our relentless quest for distinction, innovative strides forward, and steadfast commitment to our mission. This quarter, MQA led national discussions on technology trends, welcomed nearly 30,000 new practitioners into Florida’s health care workforce, and collaborated with partners to advance health outcomes and regulatory goals while winding down from its busiest legislative session yet, where over 2,000 bills were introduced and over 300 enrolled. Driven by a dedication to excellence and innovation, MQA has forged a path that guarantees dependable, ethical, and accessible health care services. As we reflect on the progress made this fiscal year, I am inspired by our achievements and excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. This report is an invitation to witness the milestones we have achieved together and to contribute your valuable insights. The commitment to Florida’s 1.5 million health care practitioners is crucial as we advance in shaping a future where health care regulation is synonymous with trust, quality, and integrity. LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the vast tapestry of Florida's regulatory landscape, there exists a mandate that illuminates a path of excellence for the Division of Medical Quality Assurance (MQA); Section 456.025(9), Florida Statutes, stands as that beacon, requiring MQA to report quarterly on its performance and financial status and assess its effectiveness in regulating health care professions and practitioners. Join MQA to review its successful third quarter of FY 202324, marked by significant enhancements for Florida’s health care workforce. LICENSING = 2,000 ENFORCEMENT 2,095 Online Complaints Received 431 Unlicensed Activity Complaints Received 133 Cease and Desist Orders Issued FINANCES Overall Cash Balance at the End of Quarter Three $45 MILLION License 37,997 Initial Applications Received 29,713 New Licenses Issued MQA conducted inspections for pharmacies and massage establishments, optical establishments, dental laboratories, and electrolysis facilities (M.O.D.E.) within 5.2 days, which showcases a 7.4% decrease from last quarter. Nearly 330 new M.O.D.E. inspections were completed this quarter. Q3 • Quarterly Performance Report • FY 2023-24 2