MQA Quarterly Performance Report

Jennifer L. Wenhold, MSW, CPM I’m proud to highlight MQA’s journey through the final quarter of FY 2023-24 by presenting another outstanding progress report. This report not only marks the conclusion of the fiscal year, but showcases the tenacity of MQA’s workforce as significant milestones and achievements paved the way for continued success in Florida’s health care sector. This quarter, MQA leveraged cutting-edge technology by substantially improving the management of nurse applicant educational records through the Nurse Program Portal (NPP). Over 3,200 records have been automatically uploaded through MQA’s licensing database, allowing for a much faster and more reliable update of applicant data compared to the manual process used in the past. In three months, the NPP has saved 392 hours of work for application processors, totaling $6,056 in cost savings. This update enhances the customer experience of nurse applicants by reducing wait times and ensuring greater accuracy when processing applications. We are excited about the positive impact our upcoming initiatives will have on Florida’s health care community, including enhancements to our digital infrastructure and expansion of our outreach programs to better serve health care applicants, practitioners, and consumers. With your continued support and dedication to our mission, we will continue making significant strides in protecting, promoting, and improving the health of all people in Florida. LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In Florida’s complex regulatory framework, section 456.025(9), Florida Statutes, serves as a guiding light for the Division of Medical Quality Assurance (MQA). This mandate requires MQA to provide quarterly reports on its performance, financial status, and effectiveness in regulating health care professions and practitioners. Join MQA to review the culmination of a successful fiscal year. LICENSING = 2,000 ENFORCEMENT 2,003 Online Complaints Received 315 Unlicensed Activity Complaints Received 134 Cease and Desist Orders Issued FINANCES Overall Cash Balance at the close of Quarter Four $40 MILLION License 48,539 Initial Applications Received 34,166 New Licenses Issued MQA conducted inspections for massage establishments, optical establishments, dental laboratories, and electrolysis facilities (M.O.D.E.) within five days, which showcases a 6% decrease from last quarter. A total of 288 new M.O.D.E. inspections were completed this quarter. Q4 • Quarterly Performance Report • FY 2023-24 2