MQA Quarterly Performance Report

Section 456.074, Florida Statutes, grants PSU the authority to order an immediate stop to activities deemed an imminent threat to the public. These directives, referred to as Emergency Orders, are issued by the State Surgeon General. Whereas Emergency Restriction Orders (EROs) establish limits on a practitioner's professional activities under suspicion, Emergency Suspension Orders (ESOs) temporarily revoke the practitioner's license according to the order's terms. During Quarter Three, PSU issued 70 Emergency Orders, indicating a 22.2% rise compared to the previous quarter. Among these, 34.3% were Emergency Restriction Orders (24), while 65.7% were Emergency Suspension Orders (46). 46 Emergency Suspension Orders Emergency Restriction Orders 24 70 EMERGENCY ORDERS ISSUED THE PATH OF A COMPLAINT Figure 6: Orders to Cease and Desist Q3 • Quarterly Performance Report • FY 2023-24 11