MQA Quarterly Performance Report

PERFORMANCE STATISTICS 1. INITIAL APPLICATIONS MQA's commitment of verifying practitioner credentials and issuing licenses is a cornerstone of its success to ensure quality health care services and safeguard the public. In Quarter Three, MQA received 37,997 applications from prospective practitioners seeking initial licensure and issued 29,713 licenses to new practitioners. This swift handling of applications is pivotal, as it enables qualified applicants to begin serving as Florida’s new cohort of qualified health care practitioners promptly, thereby contributing to the health care system's efficiency and reliability. Measure: The average time taken to issue an initial license to qualified applicants. Definition: The average duration from when an application is deemed qualified to the issuance of the license. Goal: One day. MQA consistently tracks four key performance metrics that indicate its success in meeting its mission to improve the health and well-being of Floridians through critical health care licensure and enforcement activities. This strategic focus includes the timely approval of both initial and renewal licensure applications, along with diligent inspections of pharmacies and M.O.D.E. establishments. Figure 1: Initial Applications Received DID YOU KNOW? There are two key periods to consider in the licensure processing timeline. For approved applicants, the clock starts ticking from the day MQA receives the application until the day the license is officially issued. This process typically spans around 60 days or so, depending on various factors, including waiting on additional required documents to complete the file. However, applicants who are deemed qualified experience a much faster turnaround time of usually one day. For qualified individuals, MQA measures the period from when applicants are recognized as qualified to when their license is issued. This distinction provides insight into how MQA analyzes data, tracking both the initial application receipt to license issuance and the time frame from receiving the last necessary document to the final license issuance. Q3 • Quarterly Performance Report • FY 2023-24 6