MQA Quarterly Performance Report

2. LICENSE RENEWALS The swift and efficient processing of license renewals is a key indicator of MQA's success in facilitating the continuation of work for licensed practitioners. MQA processed nearly 150,000 renewal applications in Quarter Three. The majority of renewal applications processed were completed online (98.99%) and MQA processed completed applications for qualified applicants in 0.1 days on average, reflecting a 75% decrease in processing time overall from Quarter One (0.4 days on average). Measure: The average number of days to process a renewal application for a qualified applicant. Definition: The average number of days to renew a license for health care practitioners and facilities from receipt of the completed application through approval. Goal: One day. DID YOU KNOW? As the renewal time approaches for many licensed practitioners, it's crucial to be aware of common pitfalls that could delay or even result in the rejection of a license renewal application. Health care practitioners must typically submit a completed renewal application, pay the associated fees, and provide proof of having completed continuing education requirements. Some professions are also required to take additional steps, such as completing a Financial Responsibility form or the Physician Workforce Survey and verifying their account information is correct. Not only does ensuring all application requirements are met and properly documented to streamline the time to receive an approved application, but it also upholds Florida’s reputation of offering quality health care services for health care consumers. MQA’s Virtual Agent, ELI, is still the best way to learn about licensing requirements or to record address changes for licensure applications. To learn more or access ELI, visit or find ELI at the bottom of any respective board website. Figure 2: Average Time to Process a Renewal Application for a Qualified Applicant Q3 • Quarterly Performance Report • FY 2023-24 7