MQA Q4 2014 - 2015
By the Numbers
This section details MQA’s financial data, specifically the fees that are deposited into the trust fund and
expenses paid from it. At year end, MQA calculates the cost to regulate the professions and reviews the
adequacy of license renewal fees to make sure operations by the boards are sustainable.
The department shall provide a management report of revenues and expenditures, performance measures, and
recommendations to each board at least once a quarter.
Since Fiscal Year 2008-2009, MQA has provided 66 fee scenarios to boards and councils that resulted in 27
professions reducing 81 fee types and two professions increasing three fee types. Last fiscal year, the Division
presented 15 scenarios that resulted in 11 professions reducing 28 fee types.
MQA Trust Fund
Beginning Cash Balance 07/01/2014
Total Revenues
Total Expenditures
Ending Cash Balance 06/30/2015
Section 456.025(9), Florida Statutes
This section summarizes MQA’s licensee data. The Division issues licenses in 44 different health care
professions under more than 100 different types of licenses.
MQA licenses qualified applicants in conjunction with the regulatory boards that oversee each profession. In
Fiscal Year 2014-2015, the Division administered seven exams required for licensing, though by January 2016,
all will have moved to national professional organizations.
Initial Applications Received
Initial Licenses Issued
* Data for applications processed is not being reported this quarter due to changes in the data collection process.
Detailed report by profession